Welcome to Online Dating Genius: A blog series brought to you by the online dating experts at everyone’s favorite NYC Matchmaking Service, Project Soulmate. We reveal another “do-not” in dating app profile rules in each post. So, if you online date, you will relate.

Online Dating Profile Tips Height
What’s the plan, fellas?

Is this your strategy…”Just get her to meet me, then she’ll see how charming and funny I am, despite my height,”? All she will see aside from your surprising stature is the way you handle your insecurities: with shame and deception. This makes you much less attractive than if you were to actually be upfront about your height. Leave your exaggerated height in your personal settings. It will enable you to show up in more searches. Then own your accurate height with charm and humor via your written summary in your online profilePushing a maximum of two inches in your dating app profile settings should be fine. However, an excessive height disparity can be a colossal waste of everyone’s in-person dating time. 

At Project Soulmate, we tell women who say they want to meet men 6 feet tall and above… “OK, so if we find the perfect match in every way you’re seeking, but he is 5’9 or 5’10”, we won’t be introduced him to you.” But, of course, they quickly realize the errors of their ways. 

A woman’s flexibility in this department often depends on her own height and feelings about herself. Most women – and more importantly – the women worth dating, are attracted to confidence and honesty more than a man’s height. 

Regardless, being on the front lines of online dating with our clients, we matchmaking experts know how hard it is for guys listed at under 5’10” to get their fair share of clicks. There is good news, though…

Men generally won’t engage online unless they feel highly attracted to a woman’s pics. However, most women online will make their final decision based on what you write in your summary and how you interact with them. Just make sure your profile photos abide by our online dating genius basics.    

Did You Know?

Data shows that women actually decide how attractive they are to you after meeting in person for at least 15 minutes. Hence, your personality plays the outweighing factor when she’s on the fence.

Own it, guys. Humor, honesty, and self-confidence are keys to a woman’s heart. So face it, fellas…height deception is an online dating do-not.

Written by Jane Rudes

Jane Rudes is a Communication Consultant as well as the Online Division Director at Project Soulmate. Jane is happy to speak with interested prospective online clients about their online profile and other common online dating woes. 

Did you know that Project Soulmate offers more than expert matchmaking in NYC?

We can also help you decide on the best photos for your online dating profile, and offer professional profile writing, photography, communication coaching and account management services for your online dating accounts. Click here for more info! Or Contact Us and ask!

Find more brilliant advice by checking out our other Online Dating Genius posts like:  

The Bathroom Selfie, The Hot Chic In Your Pic, The Pet Pics, The Offspring Pic, The Posse Pic, The Not Your Baby Pic and The Impossible Checklist  

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