
To that one crazy relationship friend

  We all have that one friend that's obsessed with finding her Prince Charming, but can't seem to because she acts completely different when it comes to men. In the meantime, you and all your other girlfriends are...

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Gift Ideas For Your Significant Other

  It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas so prepare your wallets to give your date the best gift ever. Here are a few grand slam ideas to make your significant other love you forever: For boys: Treat him to...

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Which Dating App is Best for You?

  Online dating apps thrive off of this never ending cycle of familiarization. You have to get to know someone virtually before you get to know them personally. Liking, messaging, meeting...the whole 9 yards. But...

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Can a relationship with a flirt work?

We all know the best way to get into the Halloween spirit is with a scary story. Here’s mine: Girl falls for a flirt - the end.   Whether you think flirting is when he likes her pictures on Instagram or when she...

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What makes a Good Wingman

If your best friend has ever shoved you right into your crush, you have been part of the wingman movement. They’re at your local bars, clubs, even that hipster coffee shop on the corner. Wingmen walk among average New...

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Three ways dating sites could end catfishing

  Whether it’s fake profiles or older pictures; the catfish epidemic is not showing signs of death anytime soon. It’s just too easy to lie on social media and there seem to be little repercussions for those who do...

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The Benefit of the Doubt Syndrome

If you’re anything like I am, you understand that sometimes being the bearer of bad news just comes with the title of a best friend. It is your job to give your friend clear warning signs; detour, do not enter, or dead...

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How to Separate the Boy in Boyfriend

I’ve never liked the word boyfriend. In other languages, for instance, Spanish, your special someone would be referred to as novio (“boyfriend’) rather than amigo varón (male friend). This clear distinction denotes a...

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How Long should Women wait to have Sex?

It’s the question that has been haunting women since the emergence of the dating culture, “Is it too soon for sex?”   Megan thinks she knows the answer. You know Megan. She’s an old friend, a friend every gal has....

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Relationship Bods: Don’t be a Victim

Ah, the honeymoon stage… A time for countless amounts of sex; dinner, lunch, and brunch dates everyday; and movie nights in with big bottles of wine for two. Oh and you might not notice it now, but it’s also the time...

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When It’s Time To Call It Quits

Dating is fun but it can also be a lot of hard work. Here are a few signs that expert matchmakers will tell you indicate it may be time for a break-up.   You’re not excited to see them- If you’re more excited...

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What Not to Do: Bad Dating Advice from RomComs

RomCom’s ya gotta love em… right? I mean how could you not, they are cute, funny, and end happily ever after! The downside to these great movies is that they are incredibly unrealistic!! Here’s a list of a few of the...

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How to Find the Cheater

Have you been noticing some shady things your boyfriend’s been doing lately? Like changing his pass code… deleting texts… or even blowing off plans? Well I know you might not want to admit it, but your boyfriend sounds...

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Nailing The First Impression

That’s it! You’ve done it! You’ve successfully weeded through all of the creeps, weirdos, and catfish that you matched with to find a semi-normal human being out there in the online dating universe. You are now well on...

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Marriage: Told by Three Generations

In the midst of this 21st century world of dating in New York and marriages, it seems so common for people to break-up or get divorced. But why? I’ve been trying to figure out why this seems to happen so frequently now...

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