Have you been looking for an exciting date night idea? Our professional matchmakers at Project Soulmate have a few ideas for you. If you’re looking for a different kind of dinner out: 1. Smorgasburg in Williamsburg every Saturday through October....
It’s the question that has been haunting women since the emergence of the dating culture, “Is it too soon for sex?” Megan thinks she knows the answer. You know Megan. She’s an old friend, a friend every gal has....
Ah, the honeymoon stage… A time for countless amounts of sex; dinner, lunch, and brunch dates everyday; and movie nights in with big bottles of wine for two. Oh and you might not notice it now, but it’s also the...
Dating is fun but it can also be a lot of hard work. Here are a few signs that expert matchmakers will tell you indicate it may be time for a break-up. You’re not excited to see them- If...
RomCom’s ya gotta love em… right? I mean how could you not, they are cute, funny, and end happily ever after! The downside to these great movies is that they are incredibly unrealistic!! Here’s a list of a few of...
Have you been noticing some shady things your boyfriend’s been doing lately? Like changing his pass code… deleting texts… or even blowing off plans? Well I know you might not want to admit it, but your boyfriend sounds like a...
That’s it! You’ve done it! You’ve successfully weeded through all of the creeps, weirdos, and catfish that you matched with to find a semi-normal human being out there in the online dating universe. You are now well on your way...
While it might be tricky to find love in NYC, finding good food is not. Yet dinner dates can be intimidating, so our matchmaking team has found some sweet spots that will make dating in NYC a little easier. Here...
In the midst of this 21st century world of dating in New York and marriages, it seems so common for people to break-up or get divorced. But why? I’ve been trying to figure out why this seems to happen so...
Everyone has that one aunt—or cousin, or mother’s friend, or friend’s mother, or nosy married acquaintance—who thinks a few dating tips makes them a relationship expert. That one person who is brimming with annoying platitudes and trite dating tips that...
Project Soulmate is about exposing people to ideas, to other people, and even sometimes to a new way of thinking about love and dating.
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New York, NY 10075